Your first step to recovery


What is Osteoarthritis?  

Osteoarthritis is a condition that causes pain, discomfort and stiffness at our joints. It is the most common form of arthritis worldwide.

The intensity of the pain is different for each individual person. Osteoarthritis can occur at any joint, however it most commonly impacts the hips, knees and hands.



The symptoms of osteoarthritis usually start gradually and increase over time. You may experience pain, tenderness and clicking/crackling sounds with movement.

Swelling: Commonly occurs around the affected joints and soft tissues.

Pain: Joint pain usually increases during/after activity or movement. It can also increase due to inactivity.

Stiffness: Can be present first thing in the morning or after activity.

Reduced range of motion: You may be unable to move the joint freely through the normal range.


In normal day to day life we are constantly loading our joints causing low level damage. The majority of the time our bodies heal naturally and you never experience any symptoms.

Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that cushions our joints breaks down over time. This can lead to bony growth within our joints and inflammation. Eventually, our connective tissues that support our joints deteriorate.

Risk factors for developing Osteoarthritis:

  • Previous joint injury- Sporting or old injuries
  • Age Increased risk as you get older.
  • Sex – More common in females
  • Family history- There is some evidence of family/genetic links.
  • Obesity- Being overweight increases the stresses and strains on our joints.


Clinical examination of the joint: assessing for signs of swelling, tenderness and/or loss of motion. Gathering information on the injury history and symptoms.

X-ray: Cartilage loss does not appear on X-ray imaging. However a narrowing of space between the bones can be seen. Bony spurs around the joint can also be identified.

MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging: Provides detailed images of soft tissue and bony structures. For the majority of cases it is not used to diagnose osteoarthritis but can help in more complex cases.

Treatment options: Conservative management

Osteoarthritis requires long-term management. Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, treatments can reduce pain and get you moving better.

Mild symptoms/early stages:

  • low impact exercises – walking, swimming, cycling, strength training
  • reducing overall body weight (if overweight)
  • wearing supportive footwear
  • using aids/walking devices to reduce overall joint loading


If your symptoms are more severe and you are finding the pain difficult to manage, speak to your GP or pharmacist about painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.


  • Detailed assessment of your individual needs
  • Structured and progressive rehabilitation plan
  • Advice on self management

Non-conservative management:

If symptoms are more severe and you are not getting relief from the above options, you may benefit from procedures such as:

Steroid injection

An injection may be indicated to relieve persistent pain, following a trial of conservative management.


Joint replacement surgery is an option in more severe cases, again following a trial of conservative management. Note: there is rehabilitation required before and after surgery. It is not a quick fix option.

How we can help

  • Provide a detailed assessment and advice on your current symptoms and best treatment options available.
  • Prescribe you a structured plan
  • Onward referral to a specialist or further imaging if indicated


Myth 1: When you see a physiotherapist you just lie on the bed and get given an ice or heat pack.

At Physio Fusion we use an active approach to treatments. Physiotherapy will include manual hands-on therapy to facilitate tissue healing and tissue load tolerance alongside an exercise program individualized to your needs.

Myth 2: If I have elbow pain then the injury must be in my elbow.

The area of pain is not always the area that is the issue! It may be a result of a previous injury that was never fully rehabilitated. This is where we can help you out. Our assessment will consist of gathering information on your presenting complaint, any previous injuries or traumas (physical and emotional) and a medical history followed by an objective evaluation of your body. This allows us to get to the root cause of the pain and manage your symptoms most effectively.

Myth 3: I can’t do any of my normal activities while I attend physiotherapy.

Not true! Our Physiotherapists want to keep you as functional as possible whilst allowing your injury to heal. During the initial assessment your physiotherapist will determine what activities you can do and advise you on those that must be avoided. You will then be given clear and timely objectives to ensure you reach your goals to get you back doing what you love!

Myth 4: A scan will show me exactly what is wrong.

Sometimes it will, but sometimes it won’t. It’s no secret that our bodies change as we age, so even people without pain are likely to have an imperfect scan. Medical imaging can sometimes play an important role in the assessment and management of your musculoskeletal issue. When necessary, your physiotherapist will know what type of imaging to refer you for.

Myth 5: Is cracking my back/neck/knuckles bad for me?

There is no strong evidence to suggest that ‘cracking’ your joints causes degeneration, laxity or instability. The ‘cracking’ occurs when we move a joint to its end range. The audible sound happens because of ‘cavitation’ in the joint; this involves gas bubbles popping within the fluid surrounding the joint as pressures change.

But is it good to crack?

Self manipulation can be a helpful way to reduce the feeling of stiffness or tightness. If you are finding that you need to ‘crack your joints’ often it is good to know that there are many other more beneficial ways to provide greater long term relief.

Top tips:

  1. Ask your physiotherapist to provide you with some specific exercises to help you overcome the feeling of stiffness or tightness.
  2. Move regularly and avoid movements or positions that exacerbate your symptoms until you have been seen by your physiotherapist.


Myth 1: ‘’Physiotherapy is just massage’’

This is a common phrase people use to describe a physiotherapists role. It is true that as a profession we like to work ‘hands on’. This is because our profession is directly affiliated with the anatomy of our clients and by using touch we can more accurately assess, locate and treat any dysfunctional motions within your body. Our physiotherapists like to use massage as it is a great way reduce pain and improve bodily function but their skill set is much more extensive than this.

Did you know?

There are well over 20 different treatment approaches commonly used by physiotherapists.  These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Exercise prescription.
  • Joint mobilization.
  • Joint manipulation.
  • Instrument mobilization.
  • Muscle energy techniques (improves muscle and joint function).
  • Neurodynamics (mobilization of the nervous system).
  • Taping.
  • Dry needling.
  • Acupuncture.

Myth 2: Always sit up straight! Slouching is bad.

In fact, forcing yourself to adhere to the traditional ‘good posture’ (back straight and shoulders back) may be putting unnecessary tension on your body. That isn’t to say being upright is bad either, but in life we must always find a balance. To reduce stress on your body whilst seated, ensure your back is supported and your feet firmly on the ground. To prevent and reduce the likelihood of back pain we must look to vary our posture frequently throughout the day and ensure we take short breaks to stretch, stand and walk.

Myth 3: Physiotherapy sessions are painful

Physiotherapists aim to help you reduce pain and get you back to doing what you love! Whether your injury is acute or chronic our physios always ensure they work within your pain threshold to help you regain lost movement and function.

Myth 4: I need a referral to see a Physiotherapist’

We have got you covered!

Remember, physios are registered health care professionals. Physio Fusion is a registered ACC provider. This means that if you have had a recent injury (within one year), you can see us directly and we can help you lodge an injury claim directly with ACC. You do not need a referral for your doctor.

Myth 5: Lower back pain …. surgery is my only option

Around 70-90% of the total world population will experience lower back pain during the course of a life time. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and can either last for short or long periods or remain constant. Back pain can be very debilitating and when the pain does not resolve as soon as anticipated many fear that surgery may be the only option. In few cases surgery may be necessary, but for the majority there’s often nothing to fear, and with time and a gradual loading or exercise program, you can make a full recovery.

Did you know ?

Back pain is not always a sign of injury or damage. Each individuals back pain story will be different, and for many non-physical factors play a huge part in their story. These factors can be:

Psychological –

  • Stress.
  • Fear of movement.
  • Depression.

Health related –

  • Sleep deprivation.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Smoking (nicotine decreases blood flow to your back).
  • Overweight.

Physio Fusions top recommendations for keeping back pain away:

  • Keep active – regular exercise nourishes joints, strengthens muscles, increases blood flow and improves your mood.
  • Sleep well.
  • Maintain a healthy weight by ensuring you maintain proper nutrition and diet.
  • Sit in a chair with good lower back support.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Ensure that when you lift or pick up objects you do so in a safe manner. This is something one of our physiotherapists can guide you with.

See a doctor urgently if you have the following symptoms:

  • Numbness in the groin or buttocks.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control.
  • Redness or swelling on your back.
  • Difficulty walking.
  • Constant pain, especially at night.
  • Pain that is getting much worse, or spreading up your spine.
  • Numbness or pins and needles in both legs.
  • Feeling unwell with your back pain, such as a fever or significant sweating that wakes you from sleep.


Exercise not only changes your body. It changes your mind, your attitude and your mood

We all have days where we plan to do our workouts and we know we should however when it’s time to put your shoes on and go… You simply just don’t want to go.

How many times have you said this to yourself?

  • I don’t feel like exercising
  • I’m too tired to exercise
  • I’ve lost my motivation to exercise
  • I’m not in the mood to exercise

What if we told you that exercise is not just about burning calories, regular exercise plays a vital role in cognitive function and mental acuity which helps support a positive outlook on life.

What we know about Exercise and Mood

Research has long supported the benefits of exercise, from weight control to reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. Regular exercise strengthens our muscles, bones, increases your flexibility and helps you stay fit and active for longer.

What can exercise do for my mood? Exercise can have an enormous impact on your mood. In fact, it is thought that exercise can be just as effective as anti-depressants in treating mild-to-moderate depression.

What we do know is:

  • Exercise can help treat people with depression who have partially responded to anti-depressants
  • both aerobic exercise (such as walking, cycling or running) and strength training (such as weight lifting) can help treat depression
  • Improved mood
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Reduced stress as well as an improved ability to cope with stress
  • Improved confidence in your physical abilities
  • Builds your coping and resilience
  • Can help distract from negative thoughts
  • Gives you a sense of accomplishment

Exercise and Depression

As mentioned previously, studies show that exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication a recent study done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that running for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour reduces the risk of major depression by 26%. In addition to relieving depression symptoms, research also shows that maintaining an exercise schedule can prevent you from relapsing.

Exercise and Anxiety

Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. A systematic review by Aylett, E., Small, N. & Bower, 2018 assessed the use of exercise versus waiting list control groups in the treatment of anxiety and also the benefit of high intensity exercise vs low intensity exercise. The intervention was any aerobic exercise programme carried out for at least two weeks, and the comparison groups were either a waiting list control group or low intensity exercise (stretching/walking). This study concluded that higher intensity exercise have an advantage over lower intensity exercise in bringing about an improvement in anxiety scores. The study also confirmed that exercise represents an effective treatment and should be more available for referral from General Practice.

Exercise and Stress

Studies have found that stress contributes to 50% of all illnesses and that two-thirds of GP visits were for stress-related illnesses. Wang, C., Chan, C.H., Ho, R.T. et al. 2014 conducted a systematic review that assessed examining the effect of exercise on stress reduction or anxiety relief among healthy adult and found that exercise does in fact relieve anxiety and reduce stress. There is a great number of studies that have typically focused on aerobic exercises. There have been consistent findings that people report feeling calmer after a 20- to 30-minutes of aerobic exercise, and the calming effect can last for several hours after exercise.

Exercise and Enhancing Brain Function

Exercise also plays a vital role in improving brain function as it leads to increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Exercise can help generate new nerve cells and improve cognition, memory and learning. Regular exercises can even help to prevent Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease (Cotman & Engesser-Cesar, 2002). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is important in brain function, neuronal transmission, and plasticity (Ferris, Williams & Shen, 2007). This process is known as neurogenesis or neuroplasticity. A study conducted by Ferris et al. (2007), studied BDNF to help confirm the relationship between exercise and brain function. Fifteen participants rode a bicycle for 30 minutes, one ride at moderate intensity. After exercise, BDNF values were increased and intensity dependent which supports the positive effect that exercise can have on brain function.

Are you maximizing your exercise routine? Are you unsure if the exercise you’re doing is right? Are you struggling with motivation to get moving again?

If you’re reading this and think any or all mentioned above sounds familiar, then we can definitely help you. Based on specializing in exercise progressions and exercising ourselves, we can help assess, adjust and progress your routine. Everyone’s needs are different so during our consultation with you, we ensure that we draw on the combination that will best serve you. We strive to ensure our clients are performing exercises correctly and efficiently, in order to maximize results.

So, what are you waiting for? Enquire with us to discuss how we can help you get started and achieve your goals!

If you are in a bad mood go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk.


Aylett, E., Small, N. & Bower, P. Exercise in the treatment of clinical anxiety in general practice – a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Health Serv Res 18, 559 (2018).

Wang, C., Chan, C.H., Ho, R.T. et al. Managing stress and anxiety through qigong exercise in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Complement Altern Med 14, 8 (2014).

Cotman, C.W. & Engesser-Cesar, C. (2002). Exercise enhances and protects brain function. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 30 (2), 75-79.

Ferris, L.T., Williams, J.S., & Shen, C.L. (2007). The effect of acute exercise on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and cognitive function. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 (4), 728-734.

Hearing, C. M., Chang, W. C., Szuhany, K. L., Deckersbach, T., Nierenberg, A. A., & Sylvia, L. G. (2016). Physical Exercise for Treatment of Mood Disorders: A Critical Review. Current behavioral neuroscience reports3(4), 350–359.

Robertson, R., Robertson, A., Jepson, R., & Maxwell, M. (2012). Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Mental Health and Physical Activity5( 1), 66– 75.


It is scientifically proven that physical exercise is one of the greatest rehabilitation methods. Numerous studies consistently prove the indisputable benefits of exercise therapy.

Did you know? 

People who are physically active for approximately seven hours a week are 40% less likely of dying early than people who are only active for less than 30 minutes a week.

So what are the health benefits of exercise?

  • Helps you control your weight.
  • Can help you develop positive and healthy social relationships  (making friends, engaging with other children, self-expression).
  • Improves coordination and balance.
  • Improves posture.
  • Strengthens your bones and muscles, slowing down degenerative processes such as osteoarthritis.
  • Reduces your risk of falls.
  • Reduces your risk of some cancers, including breast, lung and colon.
  • Improves your mental health and mood.
  • Improves your sleep.

Any many many more!!

So what is stopping you?

Time – Time waits for no one. But there is plenty of it in the week to make a difference. Don’t fear moving slowly forward, fear standing still.

Knowledge – Starting is always the hardest part! Here at Physio Fusion we are always willing to help guide and advise you on all aspects of your physical health. We are very fortunate to have good connections with other healthcare providers who can also help to assist you!

Confidence – You have our vote! At physio fusion we embrace the lifestyle we promote. We are here to facilitate your needs and to guide and advise you on all aspects of your health.

Cost – Your health is your wealth. At Physio Fusion we provide the highest quality treatment and advice at very affordable prices.We have special rates for clients with a Gold Card (no co-payment) or Community Services Card ($10.00).

Distance – For those of you unable to travel to our clinics, or who are isolating currently due to COVID-19 we have you covered! We offer telehealth (online video) consultations, supported with a rehab exercise programme tailored to your needs via the online database Physitrack.

Secure your appointment today by booking online or phone us on:

09 626 6186 (New Windsor)