Your first step to recovery

Discover the Benefits of Woodlock Oil: A Natural Remedy for Aches and Pains

In today’s fast-paced world, finding effective and natural remedies for muscle aches and pains is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One such solution is Wong To Yick Woodlock Oil, a traditional Chinese medicine with a rich history of providing relief from various physical discomforts. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of Woodlock Oil, its ingredients, how to use it effectively, and why it should be a staple in your wellness routine.

What is Wong To Yick Woodlock Oil?

Wong To Yick Woodlock Oil is a medicated oil renowned for its ability to provide soothing relief for muscle aches, joint pains, and other discomforts. Formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, this oil has been used for decades in Chinese medicine to alleviate various physical ailments. It is known for its quick absorption and effectiveness in targeting problem areas.

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Woodlock Oil’s unique formulation combines several active ingredients known for their therapeutic properties:

  1. Methyl Salicylate (50%): Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, methyl salicylate helps reduce swelling and relieve pain in muscles and joints. It works by penetrating deep into the tissues and soothing sore areas.
  2. Menthol (16%): Menthol provides a cooling sensation that temporarily relieves minor aches and pains. It also helps improve blood circulation in the affected area, promoting faster recovery.
  3. Camphor (10%): Camphor acts as a counterirritant, stimulating nerve endings to relieve pain and itching. It helps improve blood flow and provides a warming sensation that alleviates discomfort.

How to Use Woodlock Oil

Using Woodlock Oil is simple and convenient. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you get the most out of this powerful remedy:

  1. Identify the Affected Area: Determine the muscle or joint area where you are experiencing discomfort.
  2. Apply a Small Amount: Pour a few drops of Woodlock Oil onto your palm and gently rub your hands together to warm the oil.
  3. Massage Gently: Massage the oil onto the affected area using circular motions. Allow the oil to absorb fully into the skin.
  4. Repeat as Needed: For optimal results, apply the oil up to three or four times daily. Avoid applying to broken skin or sensitive areas.

Benefits of Using Woodlock Oil

  1. Fast-Acting Relief: Woodlock Oil’s quick absorption provides fast relief for muscle aches and joint pains, making it a go-to remedy for athletes and active individuals.
  2. Natural Ingredients: The oil’s natural formulation ensures it is gentle on the skin while delivering powerful therapeutic effects.
  3. Versatile Use: Whether you’re dealing with sprains, strains, or general muscle soreness, Woodlock Oil is versatile enough to address various physical discomforts.
  4. Enhances Blood Circulation: The combination of menthol and camphor helps improve circulation, which can speed up the recovery process.
  5. Trusted Traditional Remedy: With a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, Woodlock Oil is a trusted choice for those seeking natural alternatives to synthetic pain relief products.

Why Choose Woodlock Oil from PhysioFusion?

At PhysioFusion, we are committed to providing high-quality health and wellness products that meet your needs. Our Wong To Yick Woodlock Oil is sourced from reputable manufacturers, ensuring you receive a genuine and effective product. By choosing our Woodlock Oil, you’re opting for a natural remedy backed by decades of tradition and use.


Wong To Yick Woodlock Oil is a versatile and effective solution for managing muscle and joint discomfort. Its natural ingredients and long-standing reputation make it a must-have in your wellness toolkit. Whether you’re an athlete looking for a recovery aid or someone seeking relief from everyday aches, Woodlock Oil offers a powerful solution.

Explore the benefits of Woodlock Oil today and experience the relief you’ve been searching for. Visit our product page to learn more and make your purchase.


Sitting at a desk working, studying or surfing the net for long hours at a time makes it extremely difficult to maintain proper posture. That’s because our bodies are not designed for hours of idle sitting. So as the clock gets ticking many of us have the tendency lean forward, slouch our shoulders and hunch our backs.

Unfortunately, this increases pressure on multiple areas in your body. This explains why most of us experience pain and stiffness in our neck, shoulders, back and in some cases your tailbone!

So what do I need to do you ask?

The answer is simple, STAND, MOVE AND STRETCH!

It sure does sound easier said than done, especially if you are pressed with time to complete set work tasks. BUT the good news is that stretching or moving is a buildable habit that can be easily implement as you work. It doesn’t take long!

For starters set an alarm to take micro 2–3-minute break for every 20-30 minutes. Use this time to stand up, walk over to a colleague, go for a toilet break, drink water or make yourself tea or a coffee.

Or try out these simple easy stretches while you sit or stand at your desk

So let’s get started!


  • Sit up tall, relax your shoulders
  • Cross one leg over the other, then place your opposite elbow on your top thigh.
  • Take a deep breath and as you exhale slowly twist your body (not your neck) and look over your shoulder.
  • Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Slowly return to resting position and repeat on the other side.



  •  Sit tall, set your feet flat on the ground hip-width apart.
  • Rest your hands behind your hips, then slowly arch your back as you gently tilt your head back.
  • If you experience pain or discomfort in your neck or tingling in your arms – do this stretch without head tilt.
  • Hold for 10 seconds, return to start and repeat


  • Sit up tall with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Interlace your fingers and stretch your arms straight as you turn your palms up to the ceiling.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat


  • Sit or stand up tall, feet hip width apart
  • Relax your arms and shoulder, begin by rolling your shoulder backward in a circular motion.
  • Do this 5 times, repeat forward circles


  • Sit or stand up tall, with feet planted flat on floor
  • Slowly begin to roll your head in a clockwise position
  • Do this 20 seconds, then repeat in a counterclockwise direction



  • Stand close to wall or a door frame
  • Place your forearm in a 90-degree angle at shoulder height.
  • Take one step forward on the leg closest to the wall and slowly rotate your chest away until you feel a stretch across your chest.
  • Do not hunch or round your shoulders.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, repeat
  • Do this both for both sides


  • Stand with your legs at hip width apart and straight.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • Lean your body backwards, trying to arch in the lower back as much as you can, lifting your chest up towards the ceiling.
  • Try to avoid allowing your hips to swing forwards too far.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds, return to start position & repeat 5 times.


  • Sit on a chair with upright posture
  • Slowly bend forward to plant your hands on the floor.
  • Hold for 10 seconds, return to start


  • Start in an upright position.
  • Practice bringing your shoulder blades back and down.
  • Picture gently drawing your shoulder blades towards the centre of your lower back.
  • This is a subtle movement, ensure you do not over strain your shoulder blades when performing this action.
  • Hold for 10 seconds, repeat 3-5 times



  • Clasp your hands together and hold them in front of your body.
  • Push your arms as far forward as you can whilst rounding your shoulder blades.
  • Gently drop your chin down to your chest.
  • Hold this position while you feel a stretch between your shoulder blades.


  • Stretch out your arm straight in front of you with your palm facing away
  • Use your opposite hand to gently pull your palm back
  • Hold for 5 seconds, repeat with your palm facing your body

What is your Rotator Cuff and What does it do?


You may have seen videos or posts online about people talking about a specific area of your shoulder known commonly as the “Rotator Cuff” and wondered what they were on about. Your shoulders do a lot of important things you might take for granted! They help you get something off a high shelf, comb your hair, or play a game of cricket.

It’s a complicated process that your body makes look easy. And your rotator cuff is a big part of that. It protects and stabilizes your shoulder joint and lets you move your arms over your head. It’s importance is widely used in sports like swimming, tennis and netball.

In New Zealand healthcare, shoulder injuries have one of the highest prevalence when it comes to ACC claims and overall cost. Within this, rotator cuff injuries are among the most common pathologies affecting New Zealanders. Other pathologies include acromioclavicular injuries, dislocations, osteoarthritis and frozen shoulder.


So, what exactly is the cuff and how does it influence the shoulder?

  • The rotator cuff (RC) is a combination of four muscles that run through and attach onto specific areas of the humeral head (top of the arm bone).

  • Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor and Subscapularis are the four muscles comprising the RC and each one plays an important role however they all contribute to shoulder stability:



Teres Minor


A thin triangular muscle that helps perform abduction

A thicker, triangular muscle that performs external rotation.

The smallest muscle of the cuff, helps with rotation as well

The largest muscle of the cuff performs internal rotation (arm behind your back!)



Many people suffer from shoulder pain, so here are the most common injuries that can happen at the rotator cuff:

Rotator Cuff Tear:

A rotator cuff tear is often the result of high levels of load over a short amount of time or a high impact force stressing one or more of the tendons/muscles. Fortunately, majority of tears are partial. Tears are more common in people with jobs that involve heavy loading or lifting or in high impact sports like rugby. It also can happen suddenly if you fall on your arm or try to lift something heavy. Common and easily treatable with conservative management by a physiotherapist, a rotator cuff tear can come right.

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy:

A rotator cuff tendinopathy is the most common shoulder pain complaint/injury resulting in inflammation and irritation of one or more of the cuff tendons. This pathology is more common in individuals who have an occupation where repetitive use of the shoulder, particularly in an overhead position such as carpenters or painters, or individuals that play highly repetitive, throwing sports like tennis, baseball or volleyball. Once again, this injury is treatable by a physiotherapist, conservative management can be very effective in treating these injuries with a thorough, well planned exercise program to help get patients back to doing what they love.

Majority of people experience pain around the shoulder joint, with some movements being highly provocative. Tenderness on touch at the affected site is also common – this helps your physiotherapist hone in on potentially which tendon is causing those problems!


Medical management vs Physio management


Medical management will be advised by your local GP if you decide to see them first. They might prescribe NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen) to help with the pain you’re experiencing and recommend you see a physiotherapist. Depending on your injury as well as your ability to function, surgery may be an option if conservative medical and physio treatments don’t help. Most people get by without the need of surgery but some tears can be too large to heal without the use of surgical intervention.

Physiotherapy management is designed around reducing pain and disability, restoring range of motion and helping people return to work or sports to perform how they were prior to the injury. In the early stages of these injuries, rest and ice and/or heat are recommended to allow the inflammation to settle – then your physiotherapist will begin to introduce a detailed exercise program, this may include:

  • Isometric (static hold) exercises
  • Resisted movements using bands
  • Range of motion exercises to restore lost movement
  • Functional loading – task specific or sport specific

If this is successful, the last step is to build back up the strength that was lost over time – this is done by concentrically (against gravity) loading the affected tendons/muscles in a way that they adapt and lay down more tissue, grow and becoming stronger in hopes that you get to return to what you enjoy!