Get Garden Fit
As the seasons change, so does our garden. Whether we enjoy doing it or not, there comes a time where it must be tackled. Therefore, stresses on the whole body are inevitable.
When you are out in your garden, do you feel you tackle it in the most appropriate way? A way that is safe, efficient and energy conserving.
Did you know:
About 300,000 people are injured in their gardens each year, seriously enough to go to hospital and 110,000 of them are children. Around 87,000 are injured actively gardening or carrying out DIY jobs in the garden (Rospa,2019).
The most common accident in a garden is a fall (115,000), but the biggest threat to people actually gardening is a cut (19,000), then falls (18,000) and being struck by things (12,600) (Rospa,2019).
Here are some helpful tips to help you keep you safe whilst you tackle your garden
Gardening by nature is a physical activity. It usually involves frequent and repetitive bending, reaching, pulling, pushing, twisting and turning. If you are not someone who is gardens regularly, your body may need to gradually build up tolerance to such stresses.
So, make sure you:
Start slow, take regular breaks and frequently change position or activity to avoid repetitive strain. Stand, stretch, and relax every 30 minutes.
Steady yourself
When you are bending down, make sure you utilize range at all joints in the lower limb (ankles, knees, and hips). A common mistake we see in clinic, is a tendency for people to overuse their lower back and over bend. This is not only harmful but less efficient.
Proper lifting technique
- Keep a wide base of support.
- Squat down, bending at the hips and knees only. …
- Keep good posture. …
- Slowly lift by straightening your hips and knees (not your back). …
- Hold the load as close to your body as possible, at the level of your belly button.
- Use your feet to change direction, taking small steps.
When you are reaching overhead, try not to overextend. Its tempting to stretch that little bit further or higher but if your body is not used to such motions then accidents are more likely.
When using equipment such as ladders, check it is well positioned, sturdy and your footing is stable. You do not want any nasty falls.
Make sure you garden in the right environment and have the right tools.
For most people, their garden is a place to relax and chill, where the kids can run around and play. Because of this, the environment may be hazardous. Ensure the area is clear, with no sharp objects or chemicals in site. Use gloves to protect your hands and well fitted shoes instead of sandals. You may also find that knee pads or a towel for support is helpful to reduce strain on your knees.
Breathe and relax.
Remember, gardening should be a very relaxing pursuit and also a very healthy one. It gets you out of the house, breathing in clean air and keeping you in touch with nature. It helps clear the mind of clutter and creates an environment for creativity to blossom.
Rospa(2019). What are the most common garden accidents?. Available: Last accessed 15/02/2021.